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Becoming An Adult Egostate Decontaminator
If you have Contaminated your Adult Egostate with Child, Parent, Gremlin, or Demon Egostates, it can now be Decontaminated.
By Decontaminating your own Adult Egostate, you directly experience the incredible Value of this work.
If it is your job to pass on this Value through serving as a Decontaminator for others as your next-culture service to the village, you will be greatly supported through Decontaminator Training.
We welcome you to the edge of next culture adulthood initiation work. This is healing and evolutionary, both for you and your Clients.
You are no longer 18 years old.
The purpose for living inside of a defensive survival strategy has vanished.
You have the capacity to shift from defending yourself to expanding yourself, from surviving to living.
It is up to you to wake up about what you are creating through your survival strategy.
Keeping your Adult Egostate Contamination has a high cost.
Have you paid long enough?
You have no idea what you are creating because you are Contaminated.
Certain movements, behaviors, ideas, beliefs, ways of speaking come through your Gremlin instead of your Adult Ego-State.
For example, you are smiling even if you are not glad. You are smiling to appear to be nice, to look harmless, to charm people, to be 'in' with the cool people, to soften the clarity of what you have to say... Your Gremlin smile is covering another feeling, and you do not even notice it. You smile automatically.
This is Contamination.
The Gremlin Ego-state is the set of behaviors, sentences, ideas, beliefs, patterns, etc., that are temporary. This is why the set is called a 'state'. It is called 'Ego' because you are identified with this set of patterns, behaviors, ideas, beliefs, etc.
Gremlin Ego-State is distinct from your Gremlin.
Far more people than we ever realized are trapped in a Survival Strategy of contaminating their Adult Egostate with their Child, Parent, Gremlin, or Demon Egostate - even Edgeworkers and Trainers.
The Contamination Survival Strategy is effective - you survived - however, it takes a year or more of very precise Decontamination work before you can stabilize in Adulthood and start exploring the Archetypal Domains. Almost no one in the world knows about this yet.
We discovered this by noticing that at a certain point, no amount of further Emotional Healing Processes (EHP) or Initiations or Possibility Labs moves a person forward if their Adult Egostate is contaminated. You remain stuck there.
We have figured out a precise Decontamination procedure, simple but not easy. You cannot do it alone. Please get into a Decontamination 3Cell or Decontamination Team and do the work with the support of feedback and coaching of others. It will change your life and give you a future you may never have believed possible.
We truly stand behind the Adult Egostate Decontamination Work. Please do it thoroughly. Please prepare yourself by doing Gremlin Training first.
Your Adult Ego-State is most likely Contaminated by more than one other Egostate.
The more Contamination you have, the less space you have in your Adult Egostate.
This means:
- You cannot have real intimacy.
- You may go through many healing or initiatory processes but things stay the same.
- You do not have enough ground in the Adult Egostate to hold Transformation.
In the Decontamination process, we talk about patterns. A pattern is a behavior, sentence, belief, way of relating, idea, way of speaking, etc., that comes back repeatedly.
When your Adult Egostate is Contaminated, you are not aware of which patterns are coming from your Gremlin, Child, Parent or Demon Egostate. You think it is you who is speaking, feeling, acting... but it is not.
Until each behavior is moved back into the Egostate where it properly belongs, your Adult Egostate remains contaminated. Then you are blocked from being Present, from Connecting, from Living Full Out, and from exploring Adulthood, the doorway to the Archetypal Domains.
Decontamination Procedure
We cannot overstate how important it is for you to do whatever it takes to Decontaminate your Adult Egostate from the Parent, Child, Gremlin, and Demon Egostates. If you could only see us now, we are jumping up and down on the table waving our hands and shouting it out loud. Nobody ever taught us about Egostate Contamination before, and it destroys the best that life has to offer.
It is true that by blending Parent, Child, Gremlin, or Demon behaviors into your Adult Egostate you can quite easily manage to survive through whatever is thrown at you during your childhood and adolescent years. Parents, teachers, bullies, police, no one can touch you when you are shielded by these powerful defensive and offensive tactics. Contaminating your Adult Egostate is incredibly effective as a Survival Strategy until you become eighteen years old. After that it is incredibly effective at hindering you from coming to life.
Once your authentic adulthood initiatory processes begin, keeping your Adult Egostate contaminated blocks you from adulthood exactly because ‘no one can touch you’.
With the Parent, Child, Gremlin, or Demon parts operating your heart, your face, your voice, your actions, your attitudes and behaviors, you are not there. You are fully guarded by an unbreachable defense against presence and vulnerability. You remain radically untouchable. The result is that Adult and Archetypal intimacies forever elude you. In this condition you cannot even imagine the cost of being cut off from Adult and Archetypal intimacies and ecstasies.
Almost no one in the world yet recognizes the importance of Decontaminating your Adult Egostate from Parent, Child, Gremlin, or Demon Egostates. This condition is newly distinguished by Possibility Management Trainer Guild researchers. We wish to spread this information and procedures as fast and efficiently as possible. We would shower you with gratitude if you can help us publish articles, make videos of processes, get us into a talk show with Dr. Phil or Dr. Oz, whatever you can to share these life-changing possibilities.
The procedure for decontaminating your Adult Egostate is simple and straightforward, although not easy. In fact, it is so challenging that even though no one can do it for you, you cannot do it alone. You need a Team of two or three allies who are also Decontaminating their Adult Egostate, who will stand at your side and back you up during the process.
STEP 1: For this Experiment, title a new page in your Beep! Book: DECONTAMINATING MY ADULT EGOSTATE. Make important notes to yourself from reading through the website http://decontamination.mystrikingly.com.
STEP 2: Then write the word SYMPTOMS on your Beep! Book page. List as clearly and thoroughly as you can your personal symptoms of Parent Contamination, Child Contamination, Child Contamination, and Demon Contamination, if any.
STEP 3: Once you have listed your first appraisal of your contamination symptoms, take this question to your Possibility Team: “In what ways is my Adult Egostate contaminated by my Parent, Child, Gremlin, and Demon Egostates?” First read the symptoms you have observed in yourself. Then ask for 20 minutes of their time and attention to share what subtle behaviors they can perceive in you about each of the four possible contaminations. Write down exactly what they say.
STEP 4: After that, ask, “Based on your observations of me, which contamination is biggest?” Decide that whichever they say is the biggest, is actually the biggest. Commit yourself out loud to start with decontaminating that first. Say, “I will begin my Decontamination with the (Child, Parent, Gremlin, Demon).”
STEP 5: A person can only proceed with one decontamination at a time. Trying more than one does not work. We have tried it. The process becomes immediately too confusing while one Egostate tries to defend the others through creating confusion and sneaky sabotage. Usually the biggest contamination is from Child or Gremlin, sometimes Parent, rarely Demon. If the biggest is Demon, you should immediately skip this Experiment and implement the procedure described in S.P.A.R.K. 135 which is given on the website http://triggerhunter.mystrikingly.com. For Child, Parent, or Gremlin Decontamination, proceed as follows.
STEP 6: Create a Decontamination 3Cell for yourself. A ‘3Cell’ is a temporary Team of 3 allies with a shared purpose, usually to support one or all 3 members to make a leap to expanded potentials of adulthood.
STEP 7: Contamination shows up as enacting a behavior from one Egostate within a different Egostate. The toxic effects of contamination occur from enacting Child, Parent, or Gremlin behaviors when in the Adult Egostate. At your first online or offline 3Cell meeting, ask your Team which of your contamination behaviors to begin with. It should be one of the most apparent behaviors and yet one of the simplest. For example, let us suppose that your Child Egostate is your biggest contaminator. A first behavior to work with might be your little girl/boy nice-person smile, or that you do not look directly in people’s eyes, or that you rock up onto your toes when you speak, or that you leave little messes around for others to clean up, or that you do not keep your promises on time, etc. rather than a bigger Child Egostate behavior such as being adaptive, giving your center away, not taking a risk to contribute new ideas for fear of looking stupid, or not asking critical questions in the group and then powerlessly complaining afterwards. These are contamination behaviors that can only be decontaminated after you have built up some decontamination legitimacy through separating out smaller behaviors first. STEP 7 is to choose your first behavior to Decontaminate.
STEP 8: Begin Decontamination. Decontamination means to focus your attention on noticing each time you are about to enact the chosen behavior, and instead, use your intention to move that behavior back into its appropriate Egostate and hold it there. This does not mean to shift out of the Adult Egostate and enact the Child, Parent, or Gremlin behavior. This means to stay in the Adult Egostate, move the impulse for the behavior back to the Child, Parent, or Gremlin Egostate where it came from, and deposit the impulse there without enacting the behavior. Relocating the impulse will at first occupy almost all of your available attention, intention, and will. And, at the beginning, as soon as you release the hold on your impulse, it will sneakily slide back into your Adult Egostate as a contamination again as if it were pulled there by an elastic band. But it is not. The contamination returns to your Adult Egostate through fear and habit, mostly habit. No matter. The Decontamination Practice is to focus entirely on this one tiny impulse to behave a particular way (for example, the urge to make a pointless good boy/girl smile, the urge to make an evil little Gremlin comment or joke…) and EVERY TIME THE IMPULSE APPEARS, move it back to its rightful home before it shows up on your face or comes out your mouth. This is simple. This is clearly measurable. This is possible. You are not fighting against nature. Gremlin behaviors belong in the Gremlin Egostate. Child behaviors belong in the Child Egostate. Parent behaviors belong in the Parent Egostate. Simply put things back where they belong. STEP 8 is to begin the Decontamination practice of moving impulses back into their proper Egostate.
STEP 9: Your fist behavior Decontamination is the most significant. It will take the most repetitions, and the most effort to catch the impulse and move it before the behavior can show itself. STEP 9 is each time you allow your impulse to fulfill itself as a contamination rather than moving the impulse before it manifests back into its proper Egostate, apologize. EVERY TIME you actually do the Gremlin, Child, or Parent behavior from the Adult Egostate, choose a person near you and say out loud, “I apologize for delivering a Child / Gremlin / Parent Egostate behavior from my Adult Egostate. I wish not to do this any longer.” People may not understand how important this is for you. That does not matter. Trying not to appear crazy, or trying not to disturb someone by only speaking into the limitations of their current ability to understand is adaptive behavior, typical of the Child Egostate. By its very nature, Decontamination is your effort to break your own rules. Nonetheless, your Decontamination work may make a few people uncomfortable, and to some people you may appear to be a little insane or neurotic. NOTE: If having to apologize is not a strong enough penalty, the next level is that each time you deliver a contaminated behavior, give the person you apologize to one dollar in cash. If it gets to this level, you will need to start carrying around a bundle of one-dollar bills with you. Keep checking in with your 3Cell about how this is going.
STEP 10: When your selected contamination behavior stays in its home Egostate for 3 full days after you put it there, it is time to select your next behavior impulse to Decontaminate. The procedure is exactly the same as before, although you should still keep a percentage of your attention on your first behavior to make sure it does not escape and try to contaminate you again.
This is how it goes. Behavior after behavior, one behavior at a time, relocate the impulses back into their appropriate Egostate before they manifest, and hold them there until they stay home of their own accord. The behaviors actually feel more comfortable when they originate from their home Egostate.
Most Decontaminators find that once their simple behavior impulses are relocated out of the Adult Egostate, the bigger, deeper, and more complex contaminations become manageable to relocate without so much tendency to fooling yourself about whether you are actually Decontaminating or not. When the biggest contaminating Egostate is removed from the Adult Egostate, for example the Child Egostate is removed, then you immediately switch to the next contaminating Egostate, say the Gremlin Egostate, and keep doing the Decontamination practice, again, one behavior at a time until it stays home by itself.
There will come a moment when the balance of Adult Egostate presence and power tips over so the Adult Egostate has majority vote and is not contaminated any more. This is when the Adult world opens up. This is an astonishing and revelatory experience, a ‘pole shift’ event. The world starts working differently for you – the way it is designed to work – where possessions and actions that seemed of the highest importance suddenly fade as if they were a mirage, and new perceptions and relations which were previously inaccessible and therefore irrelevant give you the utmost reward. When your 5 Bodies are balanced out in your daily activities and your Adult Egostate is Decontaminated, a doorway to the Archetypal Domains stands open as if it has always been waiting to welcome you. Here is where the great adventures begin. Here is where a sense of the miraculous enters your everyday life.
WARNING: Your 3Cell Team never becomes unimportant. If you ever find yourself absentmindedly disconnecting from your 3Cell, we suggest that you suspect your Gremlin busily trying to hijack your life back into the unconscious contaminated condition before you learned about all this stupid stuff. Thinking that you can remain unconscious and irresponsible about having adopted an Adult Egostate contamination survival strategy, or that a contaminated Adult Egostate does not really matter, or that your contaminated Egostate will correct itself after a while… are all fantasy worlds. Living in a fantasy world is a personal choice. A tsunami of reasons may wash through your mind about why your 3Cell members are idiots, why there is some secret hierarchy in Possibility Management, why all these next culture ideas are overwhelming, why nobody but you can be trusted. What we have found is that in each person’s successful Adult Egostate Decontamination there was a phase when it became more important for them to trust their 3Cell more than the voices in their head. This was certainly true for me (Clinton Callahan). I have said it before and I will say it again, my Decontamination 3Cell saved my life.
Decontaminator Trainers
Decontaminator Training Experiments
Learn To Navigate Into And Inside Of Archetypal Domains
Matrix Code: DECONTRN.02
Practice Delivering Memetic Engineering During Decontamination Processes
Matrix Code: DECONTRN.05
Accompany A Client While They Exit Their White Widow Survival Strategy
Matrix Code: DECONTRN.13
We have discovered that there is a connection between Adult Egostate Contamination as a Survival Strategy and the White Widow Survival Strategy.
The connection is that the Decontamination procedure is very similar.
If you are Decontaminating your Adult Egostate and / or extricating yourself from White Widow, please document your experiences and share what you learn as widely as possible, also with professionals.
Thank you for your work.
StartOver.xyz - The game
NOTE: This website is a Bubble in the Bubble Map of the free-to-play massively-multiplayer online-and-offline thoughtware-upgrade matrix-building personal-transformation real-life adventure-game called StartOver.xyz. It is a doorway to experiments that upgrade your thoughtware so you can relocate your point of origin and create more possibility. Your knowledge is what you think about. Your thoughtware is what you use to think with. When you change your thoughtware, you go through a liquid state as your mind reorganizes itself. Liquid states can bring up transformational feelings and emotions. By upgrading your thoughtware you build matrix to hold more consciousness and leave behind a low drama life of reactivity. No one can upgrade your thoughtware for you. More interestingly, no one can stop you from upgrading your thoughtware. Our theory is that when we collectively build 1,000,000 new Matrix Points we will change the morphogenetic field of the human race for the better. Please choose responsibly to read this website. Reading this whole website is worth 1 Matrix Point. Doing any of the experiments earns you additional Matrix Points. Please use Matrix Code DECONTRN.00 to log your Matrix Point for reading this website on StartOver.xyz. Thank you for playing full out!